mlegp - Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Gaussian Processes
Maximum likelihood Gaussian process modeling for univariate and multi-dimensional outputs with diagnostic plots following Santner et al (2003) <doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-3799-8>. Contact the maintainer for a package version that includes sensitivity analysis.
Last updated 3 years ago
6.80 score 1 stars 21 dependents 75 scripts 2.7k downloadsCCM - Correlation Classification Method
Classification method described in Dancik et al (2011) <doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-2427> that classifies a sample according to the class with the maximum mean (or any other function of) correlation between the test and training samples with known classes.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.70 score 7 scripts 227 downloads